ALS Wellness Center

Social Responsiblity

Our social responsibility spans many different, crucial areas such as:

1. How we conduct our business within the Foundation

2. How we interact with the area surrounding the Foundation

3. What we can do to help improve life on this planet

social responsibility als wellness center

The Foundation is creating a bond with the community. In Phase II of our project, we will begin to construct our community of aesthetically designed modular built housing built by following ancient architectural construction practices in harmony with nature. We will use local Colombian talent and labor for all aspects of the foundation. In this phase, employees will be given the option of living on site with direct family members in the buildings used in Phase I of the project.

Our employees will be paid a higher than “fair market” wage, and be given the choice of working a 5 or 6 day week (the norm in Colombia is a 6 day week). They will enjoy many of the benefits our visiting guests do, namely our healthy food, access to low cost, high grade supplements and herbal preparations as well as care should anyone in their family need it.

Our efforts to produce our own organic produce in Phase III will also center around encouraging and teaching local farmers about sustainable farming practices. Our product development strategy to generate revenues for the foundation include growing herbs and other botanicals that have medicinal properties in different climatic zones in Colombia. We are partnering with indigenous people who live in various climatic zones to grow these plants.

Our foundation is also collaborating with the Chipiri Foundation to help with programs that promote reforestation and employing local indigenous people for all aspects of our project.